Saturday, July 30, 2005

"The good times are killing me. Here we go! Got dirt, got air, got water and I know you can carry on. Shrug off shortsighted false excitement and oh what can I say? Have one, have twenty more "one mores" and oh it does not relent. The good times are killing me." ~modest mouse

I went to church this morning; I found a Presbyterian church here that I love. It's really small, and the people are incredibly nice. It's mostly an older population. Today I sat with a retired minister and his wife and I talked to them for a long time after the service, about all kinds of things. Everyone's so friendly here.

It's my turn to cook tonight, and I'm making pizza. I know, what a cop-out, right? It was Scott's idea when I couldn't think of anything else. And everyone loves pizza.

I talked to my parents today; I haven't talked to them in a while and it was good to hear their voices. I can't wait 'til my family gets here. One more month. I miss them a lot.

Going to the grocery store here is so much fun. I mean the actual walk to the grocery store, not the shopping part (though I like that, too). There's a botanical garden directly behind my flat, and I walk through it to get there. It's perfect; it's about a 20-minute walk through the gardens and I emerge directly in front of the store. I probably look pretty strange walking back through the gardens carrying my grocery bags because everyone else is there hiking and exploring with their families, but I don't care. Have I mentioned how beautiful it is here?


BULLSEYE said...

I hear'ya!

Apostle John said...

Glad you found a churcH that you like!!!