Sunday, June 27, 2010

"American girls, they want the whole world. They want every last little light in New York City." ~the gaslight anthem

I'm kind of crazy about The Gaslight Anthem right now. I love them. Their new album American Slang is, well, brilliant. I wanted to see them in Denver this summer but that's a total bust, so I guess I'll have to settle for Radio City Music Hall in September.

Today was the last day of school. It still hasn't sunk in yet. A group of us went to Happy Hour after school and it was bittersweet. A couple of my best friends work with me but aren't coming back next year, and I don't know what I'll do without them. I don't know what I'll do when I can't go find them during my free periods and complain and chat and commiserate. I don't want to have to ride the subway home alone. I'm sure I'll still see them outside of school, but it won't be the same. And that makes me really sad. The fact that it's summer, however, makes me really happy. Lauren kept saying, "I'm so happy," and every time she did, it made me happier. It's going to be a good summer. I'll be traveling a lot. I'll be seeing lots of shows. So I'll probably be sharing lots of pictures and stuff here.

Here's a hilarious clip from the Party Down finale. I'm in love with this show. Right now I'm rewatching my season one DVDs because I'm sad that season two just ended. Jane Lynch returned for the season two finale, and Kyle (the awesome Ryan Hansen) serenaded her. The finale was perfect, and I really hope the show gets renewed.

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