Saturday, March 01, 2008

"I will walk along these hillsides in the summer 'neath the sunshine, I am feathered by the moonlight fallin' down on me. I said I will walk along these hillsides in the summer 'neath the sunshine, I am feathered by the moonlight fallin' down on me. I said I will walk along these hillsides in the summer 'neath the sunshine, I am feathered by the moonlight fallin' down on me. I said I will walk along these hillsides in the summer 'neath the sunshine, I am feathered by the moonlight, change, change, change..." ~counting crows

This was a busy week. Thursday was particularly tiring. First there was school, then four hours of parent-teacher conferences, then class. I missed about half of my class because of conferences, and I missed the important stuff, so I wasn't thrilled about that. It was unavoidable, though, and my professor understood.
I don't like talking to parents. I'm not good at it. I'm usually too nice because I have a hard time telling someone that their kid is bad, especially when the kid is right there. I had one kid cry, but it wasn't my fault; I actually gave her a very generous report considering her behavior, but the dean came in and basically ripped her apart.
I was out of my apartment from 7am until 10pm on Thursday, so it was a long day. I have the weekend to rest, though. I don't have any plans; I've just been doing random stuff that needs to get done like grocery shopping, laundry, lesson planning, reading for my class, etc. Oh, I got a tattoo. That was exciting (though painful). It's an homage to my favorite band, Counting Crows. I'll post a picture later. Now I'm off to have some of the fabulous-smelling dinner that's cooking right now.

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