My kids are all hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I don't think they'll get one, although I wouldn't mind staying home, either. I got some planning done this weekend, but not as much as I would have liked.
I just got around to uploading some photos from winter break onto my computer. Two photos are of Josie, and I think they're hilarious. Here's an example of what Josie normally looks like:

She sleeps a lot, she's lazy, she's very friendly, and in the 13 years that we've had her she's never bit anyone or showed any real malice (well, some rabbits, moles, and cats would disagree, but she's nice to humans at least). She's a sweetheart. But she does have a bit of an attitude that shows itself every once in a while. When her nails are being clipped is one of those times. I took these pictures when my mom was brave enough to clip her nails over break:

She's just following her instincts by reacting that way, and she would never actually bite my mom, but she certainly looks pretty scary. It's pretty funny if you know her, because she's definitely not scary. I miss her a lot when I'm at school.
Okay, I have nothing to say really, so that's all for now.
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