I seriously can't get enough of them.

I was incredibly busy with school stuff this weekend, and will be throughout the next two weeks as well. The marking period just ended so grades are due, we just finished a unit so I had to type up all of their final papers, and I have to plan for a new unit (which includes reading about 4 novels that I haven't read yet so I can use them for book groups). I like the new unit, though. It's an author study, and I'm using Katherine Paterson. Bridge to Terabithia and Jacob Have I Loved were two of my absolute favorite books when I was a kid. The Great Gilly Hopkins was also one that I enjoyed. So I'm excited to study the author with the kids and read more of her work. Of course the kids are much less thrilled than I am. They think that they shouldn't even have to do ELA anymore now that the state test is over. That's how much of an emphasis is placed on testing now. Ugh.
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