I'm back from a weekend spent in NJ for a lovely wedding. I've known the bride since we were six years old, so it's bizarre to think that she's now married. I was there when she got engaged (after a Christmas Eve church service), and I was so glad to be at her wedding. It was absolutely beautiful. It was intimate and Christmasy and joyful. Here are just a couple of photos (because my camera battery was dying and because none of the ones I got turned out all that great).
Cutting the cake (made by the bride's dad):
I spent the rest of the weekend at my friend Kim's house. I'll post some photos tomorrow. It was a good weekend. I'm happy to be home, though. I was worried about the kitties. They're fine, though. They're happy to see me and are being very clingy. People who say cats aren't affectionate couldn't be more wrong. Casey won't stop licking my face and Jasper won't leave my lap.
Highlight of my night tonight: THE AMAZING RACE finale! I've been on Team Brook & Claire the whole time (seriously, I want to be them, or at least be friends with them; I need a Brook in my life), but I'll be happy if Nat & Kat win. If it's an all-female team, I'm satisfied. I think it's about time (in all 16 seasons, no all-female team has ever won). I think Nat & Kat might win. Go girls!
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