I've spent the last couple of weeks rewatching the entire series of Veronica Mars. It's one of my all-time favorites shows (maybe my favorite). The last couple of days have been devoted to season 3. I've seriously spent hours just sitting on my couch mesmerized. I don't want to go out too much because I'm still nervous about leaving the kittens alone for too long, and I want to take advantage of the little time I have left to just hang out. I forgot how much I love season 3; it surprised me as I rewatched. I love it a lot more than season 2. It has so many good LoVe moments (I'm a huge LoVe shipper). The elevator scene with the little girl sticks out to me as a particularly wonderful scene. One thing I love about season 3 is the exploration of identity and whether or not people can truly change. Logan and Veronica struggle with efforts to change themselves and each other, and neither one is all that successful. Weevil sums it up well, saying, "I am what I am, V. Leopard, spots, you know what they say." I like how the characters are imperfect, though. It makes them interesting. I like that the heroine is prickly and stubborn and sometimes too controlling. She's real. And I love Logan, even though he is far from perfect. He screws up a lot, but he loves V. I even love him when he's beating poor clueless Piz to a bloody pulp, and I know it's wrong, but he's just trying to stick up for V and it makes my heart ache for him. I love Dick in season 3. He does what he does best and adds quite a bit of comedy, but he gets some dramatic moments as well. I love knowing that Ryan Hansen (who plays Dick) is KBell's best friend and lived with her for a few years. It's fun to think of what was going on behind the scenes. I'm still disappointed there wasn't a season 4, especially because of how they ended it (and because of how good the 10-minute season 4 FBI pitch was). Ah, well.
Here are a few kitten photos:
Casey loves Veronica Mars as well. It's adorable. He just stares at the TV.
And finally, because this post is somewhat KBell-themed, I've been meaning to post this music video. It made me cry. I've loved Yeasayer since I saw them open for The National a few years ago, I love KBell, and, well, what a combo. It's enough to make you an emotional wreck (but in a good way?).