I love fall. I love feeling perfectly comfortable while walking around the city in jeans and a hoodie or a light jacket. I love seeing the leaves in Central Park start to change. But most of all, I love everything pumpkin. I love Dunkin Donuts' pumpkin muffins. And Jamba Juice's Pumpkin Smash (oh my goodness, it's pure deliciousness through a straw). Now that I've just about used up all the money on my Dunkin Donuts' gift card on pumpkin muffins, I made my own. They're almost as good (but not quite). I also made pumpkin pie shooters (basically pumpkin pie in a shotglass; no crust, no baking, super easy to make and super yummy). So yeah, I'm definitely enjoying fall.
And now for a quick picspam.
I don't think you've seen my babies in awhile. They're just as lovey as ever. Here they are cuddling and cleaning:
Jasper has a new funny habit; he climbs on my back and shoulders whenever he can. He has fallen off me, and he still keeps doing it. It's bizarre.
Finally, this is another one of the reasons I love living New York. I looked at my outfit this evening and realized that before I moved to New York, I would probably never have gone out in public wearing what I'm wearing now. Pink cropped sweatpants? Gold glitter TOMS? I probably would have felt ridiculous. But now, I didn't think twice about it. First of all, when walking anywhere in New York, even just down the block, you're sure to run into someone who's wearing a crazier outfit than you are. Second of all, no one cares. It's a wonderful feeling.
Tomorrow my awesome friend Bill is taking me to see Duran Duran at Madison Square Garden. Pretty freakin' amazing, right? I think I'll wear my gold glitter TOMS.
LOL Jasper !
I love Casey with the mirror he looks about give you some fashion advices
Love the comment about the fashion. I could never wear something crazy here and get out of it easy. There would be staring! I almost feel bad in just jeans and hoodie. something is definitelly wrong with this place.lol
And love the kitties!!
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