"She had four white stallions coming up around the bend, four strong angels at her command to send. Four more seasons, for all that's broken to mend. I got four good reasons why I can't go back there again." ~patrick winningham
Oh my goodness, do I have stuff to write about. Here are some random, recent happenings. There are lots of random, recent happenings, but I don't have time to write about all of them so I'll just select what's currently on my mind.
1. I moved. And I plan on living here for the rest of my life because it was such an awful process. Nothing really major went wrong, but it was just so exhausting. I basically didn't eat for two days because I didn't have time. My mom and I went to Ikea last Tuesday and bought some stuff, and that day my aunt came over to my new apartment and helped us clean. On Saturday we moved in a bunch of stuff from my parent's house and then made a couple of trips from my old apartment. We spent about 14 hours total that day. On Sunday I unpacked stuff (which took a long time). I'm settled in now, though, and I love my new apartment. It's a studio a block away from Central Park. I just think that's fabulous. I love Central Park, and I especially can't wait for summer because it'll be so easy to hang out there and get to their concerts easily. And I'm excited about living alone. I've never really lived alone before. I've never had my own bathroom! It's the little things.
Here's a snapshot of my new apartment:

2. I went ice skating a while ago, and I don't think I wrote about it yet, but it was fun! I went with my friends Christin and Allison (who was visiting from Richmond). We went to Bryant Park. It was such a warm day that we didn't even wear coats; I was actually afraid that the ice would melt. We went at 8am, when it opened, so it wasn't that crowded. At Bryant Park you don't have to pay to use the ice, which is great. We did pay to rent skates. I had such a good time. We skated for over three hours, so I think we were all sore the next day, but it was so worth it. I haven't been ice skating since college, and now I want to go more often. I picked it up again pretty quickly.

3. My parents and I saw
Billy Elliot on Broadway. I cannot say enough good things about it. It is absolutely fantastic. Really, go see it if you can. I see a loooot of shows and this is one of the best musicals I've seen in a while. Three actors rotate playing Billy and we got to see David Alvarez, whom I was hoping to see. I loved him. His dancing, singing, and acting were all superb. He made me cry (more than once). Here's the
NYTimes review (Brantley reviewed David and called him "excellent"; the review is a very good read).
4. Last night Nic and I went to see a band called
Erin Hill and her Psychadellic Harp with the Space Rats. It's quite an unusual name, for an unusual band. Erin Hill has a beautiful voice. She's a charming, quirky girl with a love of science fiction and space. Nic and I went because Alison Pill is in the band. I think she's one of the greatest stage actresses of our generation and I didn't know she could sing, so I was curious to hear her. She sang back-up and was pretty quiet most of the time, but she did have a nice voice. They played at a tiny bar in the East Village. There was no cover, so it was a great deal and I was glad we went.
5. I know there was something else, but my mind just blanked. Oh well. Maybe later I'll think of it. This week is insanely busy. Ugh. I can't wait until Thanksgiving.