I'm back in Richmond after Spring Break! I had a lot of fun. I didn't open my backpack once, which means I'll be insanely busy in the next few weeks, but not doing work was worth it. Here's a recap of my break.
On Saturday I went into NYC and Nicole and I saw the matinee of Jersey Boys. It was fantastic. I'm wary of jukebox musicals, but I loved this one. It actually had a book (a script/story, for you non-theater folks), and the actors were all great. We did student rush and we ended up in the front row, which was lucky. So I'd recommend it to anyone.
That night we went to The Strokes concert. Oh boy, what an event. It was insane. I'll cut down my review, though. We ended up in the front row, right on the railing in front of the stage. That was an incredibly lucky break. We cut about 200 people ahead of us in line to get in, who had been waiting there all day. The concert workers told us to, though, so we were just following orders. They started a second line to go in with us, so we were among the first people in the building and got an amazing spot. The opening band was Eagles of Death Metal, which we were wary about, but they turned out to be pretty funny. The lead singer was a redneck who, no joke, before every song said something about how much he loves "The Ladies." He'd be like, "Now this song REALLY goes out to the ladies!" It was hilarious. And when he wasn't talking about how much he loves the ladies, he was talking about how much he loves New York (I can't disagree with him there). The guitarist seriously reminded me of my grandpa. He had white hair, but it was in a mohawk, and he had these huge rimmed glasses. The band was quite an assortment of characters, so Nic and I enjoyed making fun of them.
When The Strokes came on, it got crazy. I can't even describe it. The crowd was INSANE. INSANE. We were in the front row and we ended up turned sideways because it got so crowded. I was squeezed between Nicole and this other girl. The crowd would jump up and down, and my body would automatically move up and down along with everyone else's because I was squished between people. At one point I was tired so I relaxed my legs. If I had done that without anyone around me, I would have fallen. Instead my body was held up by everyone around me. I can't even describe how closely we were packed in. I couldn't clap because I couldn't bring my hands together in front of me. It was quite an experience. Afterwards Nic and I decided we felt like old foagies, because it was way too intense for us. But the music was amazing. They played a variety of songs from all of their albums, which was great. Here's a pic of Julian, who's absolutely gorgeous.

Later during the week I went to see the play Hetta Gabler at BAM. Cate Blanchett was absolutely fantastic; she has such an amazing stage presence. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The play was wonderful. Hugo Weaving was in it, so I'm providing a Hugo Weaving picture treat for y'all called "The Many Faces of Hugo Weaving." He's so good at transforming himself.
Me and Hugo Weaving:

Hugo Weaving in The Matrix as Agent Smith:

Hugo Weaving in The Lord of the Rings

Hugo Weaving as V in V For Vendetta

1 comment:
Claire...eu adoro o Hugo Weaving, acabei de comprar o dvd do filme Priscila a Rainha do Deserto, onde ele atua. E, obviamente, Matrix,que é sensacional. Umbeijo.
Cristiane (São Paulo -Brasil)
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