Monday, February 13, 2006

“Down with love, let's liquidate all its friends, Moon and June and roses and rainbow's ends. Down with songs that moan about night and day, Down with love, yes take it away, away.” ~harold arlen

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Yuck.

This has been a busy weekend. On Saturday we had our synchro meet versus Ohio State, which went well. I didn’t screw up the team routine, which I was happy about. The OSU meet is always fun to watch and be a part of. We finished with a candlelight routine to honor Jess, an OSU swimmer who died recently. It was really sad but I think their team appreciated it.

On Saturday night I had the IV Valentine’s Formal that the guys threw for the girls. It was soooo much fun. The guys did an amazing job. The food was incredibly good. The theme was lime, so we started with lime-flavored tortilla chips and spinach dip, which I (surprisingly) loved. The main course was chicken with this great sauce and rice and a sort of chutney. Dessert was the greenest key lime pie I’ve ever seen, which was also amazing. We had margaritas to drink. All the decorations were fantastic, and there was lots of dancing after dinner. I had a great time.

Today I had my first major assignment due. It was an essay for Literature of the English Renaissance. Of course I didn’t start it until yesterday (Sunday), the day before it was due. I had synchro practice from 9-11 and then I went back to my room and worked on my essay. I can’t remember when I finished it, but after I finished I watched Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy (which I had taped earlier that night). There’s an example of how crazy I am. It was insanely late, I had just finished writing a long paper that had completely exhausted me, I had class early in the morning, and instead of going to bed I decided to watch 2 hours of TV. I’m insane. I got a couple hours of sleep, and it was completely my own fault. But they were both really good episodes. :-)

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