My mom sent me the Live 8 dvds that she recorded for me! It's, like, 12 hours of pure music because it's the version that they aired the week after the concert, with no commercials or commentators. I got through one disc and I still have to watch the other one. I'm in a U2 mood, so here's some Bono pictures for my U2 gals who may or may not have discovered this blog.
A crappy screen cap I took from Live 8:

And a return to that old, famous photo of Bono and Liam Gallagher:

There were some rumors about Oasis opening for U2 at MSG in the fall, but I don't think it'll happen. That would have been amazing. I'm still waiting to hear who we'll get as an opening act. Whoever it is, I'm willing to bet that they'll be better than Kings of Leon, who opened for them on the first leg of this tour. I didn't mind them, but I think U2 could have done a lot better. I would have liked them more if I could understand the lyrics. All the words except for the occasional expletive were utterly incomprehensible.
One bad thing about Dunedin is the wind. It's always windy here. In summer I can imagine that being nice, but in winter it's awful. It rained today, and wind and rain make a terrible combination. The wind has destroyed two of my umbrellas already, so now I've given up on using one at all. They don't do anything here anyway. Because of the wind, the rain comes at you from all angles. It slants in sideways, pours from up above, and even seems to rise up from the ground. You'll still be soaking wet even with an umbrella. And it was SO cold today that the rain felt like ice. I think it was about 40 degrees. I wish it would have snowed instead.
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