I have a concert to write about today! I went to see The Head and the Heart at Terminal 5 on Sunday, and it was a great night. My friend Leah and I got a spot dead center in the front row (are you surprised?), so we had a perfect view. There were two opening bands, so The Head and the Heart didn't go onstage until 10:00pm. They were worth the wait, though. They've only released one album (and it's amazing, so go buy it), and they played every song from the album, along with a bunch of new songs. Leah and I both managed to avoid crying during "Rivers and Roads," which was quite a feat for us. They played with so much passion and energy, and you could tell how appreciated the audience and enjoyed being onstage and sharing their music with us. This is a good review of the show.
I recorded audio of the whole show and video for most songs. A security guy came and made me stop filming during "Coeur d'Alene," but later in the show Charity (who's in the band) announced that they wanted people to be able to film, which I thought was pretty cool. During the encore the security guy came back and made me stop filming again, but I did get a good chunk of the show (and audio of the whole thing).
Here's a playlist of my videos (I have more to add to it, which I'll do whenever I can get back to the library or Starbucks and connect to the internet). At least watch the first two videos. Really. "Lost in my Mind" is first, and it was absolutely wonderful. The members of the two opening bands came onstage, and the crowd sang along, and I can't explain what a feeling it was to be a part of that. Belting out "There are stars...UP ABOVE!" along with so many people was incredibly cathartic. "Rivers and Roads" is next in the playlist, and Charity absolutely kills it at the end of the song. Oh my goodness, she's freakin' amazing. "Sounds like Hallelujah" is another one of my favorites from the album, and it was great to hear it live.
Here are some photos I took:
And finally, here's my audio of the whole show (and here's the download version if you want that). If you haven't heard this band before, they are definitely worth a listen. Make sure to listen to "Rivers and Roads," "Lost in my Mind," "Down in the Valley" (a perfect closing song), "Sounds like Hallelujah," "Heaven Go Easy on Me"....oh, just listen to them all.
Here are the first five songs, and to hear the rest, go to the playlist here.