I know, I haven't written in forever. And I have no excuse because it's summer so I'm not working and I have the time. I've just been really lazy lately. Really, really lazy. Gosh, I still have Comic-Con and vacation stuff to write about, right? Well, I'll save most of that for another day. This is going to be a video post. Here are some recent videos I've taken.
The day after I got back from my trip out west, I went to a concert in Central Park. The Summerstage venue is one of my favorite places in the world. What's better than being outside in NYC enjoying some amazing music? I was there to see The Naked and Famous. I've written about them before here. The last time I saw them live, I had audio issues when I recorded my videos, so I was glad that these turned out better. These are my two favorite songs of theirs (unfortunately I did run out of battery during "Young Blood," but I got most of it):
"Girls Like You:"
"Young Blood:"
And I don't think I posted Comic-Con videos before, but I did film two panels, Chuck and Covert Affairs, so here are those:
Chuck (I love everything about this. Vic is freakin' hilarious. Zac tears up at the end. It was of many times I saw him cry that week):
Covert Affairs (Another amazing cast. One of my favorite moments comes around the 6-minute mark when Peter Gallagher says he's very proud "they decided to use one of my eyebrows on the Comic-Con poster."):
And just because:

More to come.